Sunday, March 31, 2013

Daryl Vaz thinks he's Nelson Mandela but continues to dig himself a deeper hole ...

This is hilarious. 

According to today's issue of the Jamaica Observer newspaper:

"Even Nelson Mandela got justice after 27 years. It's my time now," Vaz insisted.

And the reason for this cry for justice?

'For 27 years, Daryl Wesley Vaz has been locked up in a prison of pain and hurt, dogged through every phase of his life by the nastiest of orchestrated rumours that, among other things, he raped and murdered Smith, a student of the Immaculate Conception High School'.

                                                                     No sir, you are no Nelson Mandela.

I don't know who counselled Daryl Vaz to agree to be interviewed for this article. Because all I know is that what used to be whispered about and what the newspapers could not dare print on account of Mr Vaz's penchant for suing people for libel, is now officially out there. The Observer could not have printed the story and Vaz's name in the same sentence on account of Jamaica's strict libel laws. So, I find it perplexing that he would do this and I wonder if he has, unwittingly, given the media the greenlight to mention the incident (and naming him) in the future? Did he waive his rights to sue in the future should such a question be asked by some enterprising reporter or some daring op-ed columnist? Anyway, the moral of the story is that although he is a successful politician, Vaz is no Teflon Kid.

Vaz wishes he were Nelson Mandela. Mr Mandela is a man of honour. He commands respect. He is champion of human rights. The same cannot be said for Vaz. He sat in Parliament for a year and half when he knew that, as an American citizen, he was not constitutionally qualified to do so. Our tax dollars paid his salary as a MP and Minister even though he should not have been collecting either and Vaz has demonstrated that he is willing to trample on other people's rights and dignity as human beings. 

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