Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Delroy Chuck clutches his pearls and demands that public money be wasted on inquiry based on hearsay

Now, if this is not barefaced hypocrisy, I don't know what is.

Depending on who you hear it from or who you believe, the Minister of National Security, Peter Bunting was the victim of a crime over the weekend.

Perhaps sensing weakness in the government's record on containing crime, the Opposition Shadow Minister, Delroy Chuck, has moved in for the kill. According to the Gleaner:

'The Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) yesterday remained unconvinced the country has heard the full story regarding an incident involving National Security Minister Peter Bunting on Saturday night.
Yesterday Delroy Chuck, opposition spokesman on national security, said he was concerned that there have been conflicting reports about whether Bunting was held up or if a villa at which he was visiting friends in Portland was burglarised.

... Chuck said he has been told by reliable sources that Bunting was in fact held up.

"It is not only a question of whether or not the allegations from persons who are in the know are true as against Mr Bunting's word," Chuck said, "but more importantly, the items were recovered rather quickly during the course of the night. How was that done? Was money paid? And why is it no arrest has been made if the items were so quickly recovered?"

 Chuck is calling for a full investigation into the matter'.

                               Now, all he needs is a standpipe for the suss and labrish.

                                                               Fall guy?

Really, now, Chuckie? Were you equally vociferous in your call for an investigation into the Tivoli incursion in which almost a hundred innocent Jamaicans murdered by the security or went missing while you were a part of the government?

Were you as forthright in demanding justice for Jamaicans who pay your salary but yet continue to have justice delayed on account of the almost half million cases in backlog in the court system while you were a member of the government?

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