Monday, October 20, 2014

Keneea  Linton George who has a penchant for dating and marrying men old enough to be her father sinks her claws into civil servants, Just Because …

You've come a long way, baby
To get where you've got to today
You've got your own cigarette now, baby
You've come a long, long way

Just because at 23 you dated a white Englishman a quarter century older than you ...


Just because at 26 you married a successful CEO, who is almost 30 years older than you ...


Just because you have managed network successfully into some fucked up wanna be American-style reality show  ...


Just because  you are viewed as some sort of wunderkind in the fashion industry despite being a failure  in the world's fashion capital ...


Just because you are now viewed as being well heeled even though you are just a little girl from the country ...


Just because you now hobnob with self appointed arbiters of style and taste ...

Just because!

This does not mean that you have the right to be a condescending bitch by disparaging the the clothes of .our hardworking civil servants who struggle, under the IMF wage freeze, to put a meal on the table for their families.

No one cares about your vapid apology, you patronizing cunt. 

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