Monday, October 20, 2014

Keneea  Linton George who has a penchant for dating and marrying men old enough to be her father sinks her claws into civil servants, Just Because …

You've come a long way, baby
To get where you've got to today
You've got your own cigarette now, baby
You've come a long, long way

Just because at 23 you dated a white Englishman a quarter century older than you ...


Just because at 26 you married a successful CEO, who is almost 30 years older than you ...


Just because you have managed network successfully into some fucked up wanna be American-style reality show  ...


Just because  you are viewed as some sort of wunderkind in the fashion industry despite being a failure  in the world's fashion capital ...


Just because you are now viewed as being well heeled even though you are just a little girl from the country ...


Just because you now hobnob with self appointed arbiters of style and taste ...

Just because!

This does not mean that you have the right to be a condescending bitch by disparaging the the clothes of .our hardworking civil servants who struggle, under the IMF wage freeze, to put a meal on the table for their families.

No one cares about your vapid apology, you patronizing cunt. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Delroy Chuck clutches his pearls and demands that public money be wasted on inquiry based on hearsay

Now, if this is not barefaced hypocrisy, I don't know what is.

Depending on who you hear it from or who you believe, the Minister of National Security, Peter Bunting was the victim of a crime over the weekend.

Perhaps sensing weakness in the government's record on containing crime, the Opposition Shadow Minister, Delroy Chuck, has moved in for the kill. According to the Gleaner:

'The Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) yesterday remained unconvinced the country has heard the full story regarding an incident involving National Security Minister Peter Bunting on Saturday night.
Yesterday Delroy Chuck, opposition spokesman on national security, said he was concerned that there have been conflicting reports about whether Bunting was held up or if a villa at which he was visiting friends in Portland was burglarised.

... Chuck said he has been told by reliable sources that Bunting was in fact held up.

"It is not only a question of whether or not the allegations from persons who are in the know are true as against Mr Bunting's word," Chuck said, "but more importantly, the items were recovered rather quickly during the course of the night. How was that done? Was money paid? And why is it no arrest has been made if the items were so quickly recovered?"

 Chuck is calling for a full investigation into the matter'.

                               Now, all he needs is a standpipe for the suss and labrish.

                                                               Fall guy?

Really, now, Chuckie? Were you equally vociferous in your call for an investigation into the Tivoli incursion in which almost a hundred innocent Jamaicans murdered by the security or went missing while you were a part of the government?

Were you as forthright in demanding justice for Jamaicans who pay your salary but yet continue to have justice delayed on account of the almost half million cases in backlog in the court system while you were a member of the government?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Daryl Vaz thinks he's Nelson Mandela but continues to dig himself a deeper hole ...

This is hilarious. 

According to today's issue of the Jamaica Observer newspaper:

"Even Nelson Mandela got justice after 27 years. It's my time now," Vaz insisted.

And the reason for this cry for justice?

'For 27 years, Daryl Wesley Vaz has been locked up in a prison of pain and hurt, dogged through every phase of his life by the nastiest of orchestrated rumours that, among other things, he raped and murdered Smith, a student of the Immaculate Conception High School'.

                                                                     No sir, you are no Nelson Mandela.

I don't know who counselled Daryl Vaz to agree to be interviewed for this article. Because all I know is that what used to be whispered about and what the newspapers could not dare print on account of Mr Vaz's penchant for suing people for libel, is now officially out there. The Observer could not have printed the story and Vaz's name in the same sentence on account of Jamaica's strict libel laws. So, I find it perplexing that he would do this and I wonder if he has, unwittingly, given the media the greenlight to mention the incident (and naming him) in the future? Did he waive his rights to sue in the future should such a question be asked by some enterprising reporter or some daring op-ed columnist? Anyway, the moral of the story is that although he is a successful politician, Vaz is no Teflon Kid.

Vaz wishes he were Nelson Mandela. Mr Mandela is a man of honour. He commands respect. He is champion of human rights. The same cannot be said for Vaz. He sat in Parliament for a year and half when he knew that, as an American citizen, he was not constitutionally qualified to do so. Our tax dollars paid his salary as a MP and Minister even though he should not have been collecting either and Vaz has demonstrated that he is willing to trample on other people's rights and dignity as human beings. 

Yet another attempt by Barbadian officials to debase and strip-search Jamaicans

Billions was spent building a new law faculty for Jamaicans to stay here and not suffer humiliation at the hands of Barbadians and yet this still continues?

Time to boycott Barbados, time to leave Caricom.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Time to leave CARICOM

Thirty years ago Jamaica was the dominant trading partner in Caricom. According to former PNP minister, Claude Clarke, in 1988 Jamaica had a trade surplus of US$3 million with our Caricom trading partners; by 2008 it had been converted to a deficit of US$1.6 billion. Between January to August last year, Jamaica imported US$766 million worth of goods and services from Caricom countries while only exporting US$45 million. The biggest culprit is Trinidad and Tobago, which continues to exploit and rape this country. In 2010 Trinidad exported approximately US$710 million worth of goods to Jamaica while only importing less than US$1 million worth of Jamaican goods. 

Trinidad has oil and natural gas; the cost of electricity in Trinidad is US$0.06 while in Jamaica it is US$0.32. Admittedly, we can't compete under these circumstances and must look to alternative energy. However, at the same time Trinidad has been duplicitous in its standing agreement to sell Jamaica LNG, reneging  on the agreement. At the same time they have no problem selling the gas to Barbados.   

Equally galling is their baseless claim that Air Jamaica is responsible for the financial losses at Caribbean Airlines even though they did not get any of Air Jamaica's liabilities. 

Member of Parliament for North East St Catherine, Gregory Mair is on to something. It is time to leave the joke that is Caricom.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011